How It Works
Artists, we understand finding a quality studio is difficult whether you are local or traveling. Session Control makes it easy by providing access to studios no matter where you are.
Studio owners, we know marketing can be a challenge when looking to advertise your home or commercial studio. Session Control provides a platform for the artist and studio to find each other at the click of a button.
- 18%
- Service Fee
- 4H
- Average Booking Time
- $60
- Average Hourly Rate
Recording Studios
From 2002 to 2021 the number of employed musicians increased 510%. Session Control provides not only a platform for the artist but for studio owners as well to keep their microphones on and audio equalizers bouncing.
Don't take our word for it, hear what our clients have to say.
Online Booking
Which devices are clients using to make appointments or book services?
Mobile -
Desktop -
Record music no matter where you are
New City? Find a studio in a city near you today!
Our Goal
Our goal is to give artists the opportunity to easily find a recording studio locally or while on the road, while also providing a platform for commercial and independent studios to have more visibility to be booked by artists.
Contact Us
For inquiries, please contact via our online form.